Enable the monitoring service

If you installed the monitoring service using Helm, you can use Helm to enable it as well.


Ensure the monitoring service is installed.


To enable the monitoring service component using Helm:

  1. Update your Helm repository.

    helm repo update
  2. Retrieve all custom values you used during install. Generate a YAML file, replacing the <namespace> with your namespace.

    helm get values --namespace <docs-namespace> <release-name> -o yaml > values.yaml
  3. Delete the post-install hook job.

    kubectl delete job pxcentral-post-install-hook --namespace <namespace>
  4. Remove the pxcentral-prometheus-operator deployment. Enter the following kubectl delete deployment command, replacing the value of the <namespace> parameter to match your environment:

    kubectl -n <namespace> delete deployment pxcentral-prometheus-operator
  5. Run the following helm upgrade command to enable the monitoring service, using the -f flag to pass the custom values.yaml file you generated above.

    helm upgrade <release-name> <repo-name>/px-central --namespace <namespace> -f values.yaml --set pxlicenseserver.enabled=true

    Replacing the following parameters:

    • <release-name>: the monitoring service release to enable
    • <repo-name>: the Portworx Enterprise repository name
    • <docs-namespace>: the namespace matching your environment

Last edited: Friday, Aug 20, 2021